1. What isn’t covered by the warranty?

  • Purchases from unauthorized dealers
  • Improperly operated devices
  • Lost or stolen products
  • Non-quality-related issues
  • Installation cost, labor cost, diagnostics tracking service, towing, rental car, or any other expense unrelated to the products.

2. When does the warranty begin?

  • It begins the day when the order is placed.

3. What is a valid proof of purchase?

  • An Amazon order number or eBay username or a purchase made through www.lasfit.com
  • A dated sales receipt from an authorized Lasfit dealers that shows a description of the product along with its price

4. What if I don’t have any proof of purchase?

  • If you made your purchase through www.lasfit.com, we could locate your order information using your email address, name or shipping address.
  • If you made your purchase through authorized Lasfit dealers, you may contact the dealers to see if they can provide a copy of your receipt.
  • If the product was a gift, please ask the giver to provide a copy of the receipt or claim the warranty on your behalf.

5. Will the warranty be renewed if my product is replaced?

  • The warranty continues from the date of your original purchase. It won’t be renewed after a replacement has been provided.